We [Sean Dorsey Dance and our collaborators] are FUTURISTS.
And chances are, so are you.
A “Futurist” is simply someone working for change – someone who wants a different and better outcome for this world: transformative justice, more love, less harm, a healthy planet, the dismantling of white supremacy, unbridled pleasure without guilt, healing, and joyful collective liberation.
FUTURISTS have our eye on the prize, and we forge better Futures for each other as an act of love.
We FUTURISTS know and believe that change can be JOYFUL.
We FUTURISTS know and believe our FUTURE can be PLEASURABLE in the making.
We FUTURISTS know and believe our LIBERATION can be PLEASURABLE in the making.
We use joy, pleasure and wellness as our guiding star.
If YOU are working for change – through activism, organizing, art or love … in your family or in your community … then you are working for a different and better Future. You are a FUTURIST.
We invite all FUTURISTS and potential FUTURISTS to join us on The Lost Art Of Dreaming’s multi-year journey – we’ll travel around the Sun several times together pursuing all kinds of creative, expansive and embodied activities.
THE LOST ART OF DREAMING has been commissioned by American Dance Festival, Dance Place (Washington DC), 7 Stages (Atlanta GA), Velocity Dance Center (Seattle WA), Queer Cultural Center (San Francisco CA), and Yerba Buena Gardens Festival; and developed through residencies with the National Choreography Center in Akron (Akron OH) and Z Space (San Francisco CA).
THE LOST ART OF DREAMING has been awarded support from the commissioners above, and from the California Arts Council, Kenneth Rainin Foundation, New England Foundation for the Arts’ National Dance Project – with lead funding from the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation and The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, National Endowment for the Arts, National Performance Network and San Francisco Arts Commission.
SEAN DORSEY DANCE is the resident company of Fresh Meat Productions – learn more about Fresh Meat Productions here.